Sep 21, 2010

50 Cent Gives His Dog A Twitter Account You can follow Oprah now…

50 Cent has launched a Twitter account for his dog Oprah.

The In Da Club rapper joined the social networking site recently and has since made various strange announcements- including claiming he’s getting married.

But perhaps his weirdest move so far is to start tweeting as OprahTheDog!

Yesterday he posted a pic of the cute mutt’ with a bandaged leg saying: “The b**ch gonna be alright. I took her to the doctor.”

Soon after he started having a public er, ‘conversation’ with the miniature schnauzer. She wrote to him:

“motherf***er 50 almost stepped on me this morning and he knew I was at the foot of the bed. and he always calling me for nothing!! he aint made a classic since get rich or die tryin.”

Fiddy later posted a pic of him holding a knife near the dog, which unsurprisingly upset animal rights group PETA.

The star responded to the criticism in no uncertain terms, writing: “Now this is to the Peta people: Stay off my m************ twitter page I don't give a f***!”

Previously 50 Cent has given advice to President Obama and criticised Kanye West on Twitter. Maybe Oprah the dog will soon do the same.

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