You never just what might spew out of the keyboard of an online hypester like Berkeley rapper Lil B, who fires off a Tweet approximately once every three seconds.
But the self-proclaimed "Based God" (and member of the Pack) Tweeted something over the weekend that grabbed a lot more attention than usual. Not because Lil B threatened to force certain sexual acts on Kanye West, but because the offending Tweet reignited the whole pointless debate about whether Lil B is gay again.
You might expect the reaction to this Tweet:
to come under several general natures:
1) Lil B is saying crazy things to get attention again.
2) Lil B must really want to work with Kanye.
3) Do you think Kanye West and Lil B will ever do a track together?
But no. It seems the biggest question it raised for many observers, was, as one hip-hop blog put it, whether or not "hip-hop is now officially gay." Says one commenter, 'this [expletive] is the gayest of them all. Yeah, keep him underground and not mainstream. Don't want to turn hip-hop into genre of gay music."
An Online blog breathlessly protested that B's tweet "is the most oddest, blatantly gay thing I have ever seen in my life."
And yet another, suggested that B's Twitter account must have been hacked -- "if not, he has a lot of explaining to do."
Taking to B's Twitter feed, it looks as if he's had to defend himself from angry suggestions that he's gay or that he's trying to turn hip-hop gay:
So, let's review: In a world where some wonder whether hip-hop has seemingly developed a tolerance for any moral no-no -- rape, murder, being rich and complacent -- it appears we've found a big taboo at last. The subject that is guaranteed to raise hackles in hip-hop -- even in a joking publicity-ploy-of-a-Tweet, it appears -- is being gay. Lil B, you get a point for this one. sfweekly
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