Feb 9, 2011

Drake Puts Plans For Free R&B Mixtape On Hold To Focus On New Album, 'Take Care'


Fans can expect the best Drake has to offer on his next solo album because his attention won't be divided between different projects.

Back in October Drizzy released "I Get Lonely Too", which was supposed to be a prelude to an all R&B free mixtape titled 'It's Never Enough.'

The Toronto entertainer revealed on his blog that he's scrapping the mixtape to give %100 effort to his sophomore cd 'Take Care."

I am truly enjoying my life right now. Its been so long since I have wrote anything on here because I feel like for a while I was trying to digest it all and save it for the music. But its finally set in that I am living my dreams and doing with all my closest friends from Toronto. I wake up and never know what to expect from any given day but good or bad I always learn something from it. I have decided that I am going to push "It's Never Enough" and focus completely on delivering Take Care to you all. I feel like my mind is truly ready to make this next album NOW and I don't want that feeling to escape me. My mother is doing well for all who have been asking. She went to her first swimming class the other day and won gold...not really but you know what I mean. OVO gang is all smiles and 40 is making some of the best music I have heard in my entire career. I am in the airport right now headed to LA to meet up with Boi 1da tonight. Its all feeling right. Its truly been a pleasure to speak again. Thank you for all your energy. Soon. Guidance.
Of cource the cynic in me makes me wonder if Universal had anything to do with Drake's change of heart.  Record labels aren't too keen on artists giving away free music these days.

So we can also put the rumors of a reggae album to be as well, at least for now.

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