When you're born with a rare condition that makes hair grow uncontrollably all over your body and has only affected around 50 other people in the world, life can be a nightmare especially for an 11-year old girl. But for Supatra Sasuphan of Bangkok,Thailand it is quite the opposite.
You see Supatra suffers from Ambras Syndrome - caused by a faulty chromosome. Before the disease was understood, sufferers were branded 'werewolves.'
She has thick hair growing over her face, ears, arms, legs and back. Even laser treatment has failed to stop the hair growth.
But while most sufferers have been shunned, Supatra has gradually been embraced by her community, and became a popular and outgoing child. 'I'm very happy to be in the Guinness World Records! A lot of people have to do a lot to get in,' she said. 'All I did was answer a few questions and then they gave it to me.'
She said: 'There were a few people who used to tease me and call me monkey face but they don't do it any more.
'I'm very used to this condition. I can't feel the hair as it has always been like this. I don't feel anything.
'It does sometimes make it difficult to see when it gets long.I hope I will be cured one day.'
Besides the hair issue, Supatra lives life just like any other young girl. Hanging out with friends, listening to music, dancing and swimming are among her daily routine. She also her future plans thought out as she hopes to become a doctor.
'I want to become a doctor so I can help patients when they get injured.'I want to help people who get hurt and help cure people.'
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