Apr 6, 2011

Rihanna Blames Her Freaky Sexual Behavior On Witnessing Abuse As A Kid


Rihanna is one of those women who would be comfortable labeling themselves a "freak."

The singing star toyed with a few sexual themes on past albums, but on her latest effort 'Loud' she lets it all loose.

The song "S&M" and the accompanying video show viewers some of RiRi's real life sexual fantasies.

Being submissive in the bedroom is really fun. You get to be a little lady, to have somebody be macho and in charge of your sh*t. That’s fun to me…I like to be spanked. Being tied up is fun. I like to keep it spontaneous. Sometimes whips and chains can be overly planned – you gotta stop, get the whip from the drawer downstairs. I’d rather have him use his hands," Rihanna recently told Rolling Stone.

The sad part is she believes her masochistic side stems from witnessing abuse as a child.

I think I’m a bit masochistic. I love feeling like I’m somebody’s girl. I think that is common in people who witnessed abuse in their childhood," she said.

What do you guys think, is Rihanna's freaky behavior a result of childhood drama or is she just a very freaky girl?

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