Jun 23, 2011

50 Cent Breaks Down Shawty Lo Deal. Reveals Industry Plans "I Have A New Vision For The Music Biz"

50 Cent took to his twitter account this morning to break down his recent deal with Atlanta rapperShawty Lo and reveal that he has a new vision for the industry.

"Announcement: I have a vision for the music business I worked on this idea for some time now its called 50's new 50/50," 50 wrote on the social networking site. "@thatsshawtylo is the first to sign the deal. He is the head of his own label D4L records and is now being powered by G-unit. We provide a over head for Shawty Lo's company. After recouping promo and recording cost which is fairly low he splits all income from records 50/50 no 360. Shawty Lo has signed the perfect deal for a hustler. Now watch his BANK HEAD GRIND PAY OFF."

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