Sep 15, 2011

Pharell Williams Talks About Missing Out On The Chance To Sign Odd Future "I Was Mad" [Video]

Super producer Pharrell Williams missed out on a chance to sign Odd Future, and he's still kicking himself over it.

Williams talks to MTV about hearing their music for the first time. And his reaction when he found out that Chris Clancy had beaten him to the punch.

"I was on my tour bus and my homeboy named Scott Vener was like 'you gotta hear these kids called Odd Future. It's this kid called Tyler The Creator. Their sh*t is dope, you should sign them,'" Pharell said. "I was bumping their sh*t, listening to their songs on youtube. And then I found Chris Clancy. And by the time I found Chris they were already talking about signing. I missed that boat, I was mad as sh*t. But I'm happy because Cancy's idea to havem be the toungest in charge doing their own sh*t. All the stuff I always preach about, he was very headstrong in making sure they did that."


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