Oct 10, 2011

Eazy-E's Daughter Erin Wants To Play Her Father In Biopic, Says Role Shouldn't Be A ''Given'' For Son (VIDEO)

The long awaited biopic of NWA's founding member Eazy-E is getting set to begin casting soon, and the most important role in the film and who gets to play it ha run into a little controversy.

A week or so back, the son of Eazy (Lil Eazy) told TMZ that he would be most likely be playing the role of his legendary father in the movie being produced by Ice Cube.

Well his sister has something to say about that.

Erin Wright has fired back at her brother's claim in a press release to Black Voices :

I feel the role of my dad in a biopic should “Not” just be a “given” to my brother Lil Eazy solely on the strength that he is my father’s junior! To be honest my father has four sons total who all resemble him in their own way, just as I have an uncanny resemblance to my father and I am a girl. I think my brother should have to audition and earn the role by delivering a great read instead of just being handed the role—and I’d like to add that I feel I should have that same opportunity to audition for the role as well, and be given equal consideration based on my acting ability and not just my relation. I have dreamed of getting this role for many years now, as I have always been inspired by how Hilary Swank played a boy in “Boys Don’t Cry,” which I’ve referenced in a past AllHipHop.com interview in 2007.

Looks like Lil Eazy is facing some stiff competition.

What do you think? Do you see any problem with Eazy's role being played by a woman, even if it is his own daughter?

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