Jul 10, 2012

Detroit Battle Rapper Calicoe Facing Investigation After Boasting Of Dog Fighting Operation On Camera (VIDEO)

The lesson of not speaking or bragging about illegal activities on tape just hasn't been learned by everyone obviously.

Detroit battle rapper Calicoe is the latest to find out that what you say and do on camera just may come back to haunt you.

Calicoe was doing an almost 'MTV Cribs' like video segment as he walked a cameraman around his home.

However,instead of pools and big screen tv's on display,, it was pit bulls and roosters.

"We've got an (expletive) zoo over here," and the videographer proceeds to follow Calicoe and others through the property's backyard, a kennel area and garage.

Detroit police on Monday became aware of the potentially incriminating statements made by Calicoe after the interview went viral and spread quickly via the Internet.

"Anybody want to fight some dogs? I hope we don't get indicted for that," he says as he opens a gate.

"Pit bulls. We've got some roosters. We fight them, too," he says, then points to a rooster in a cage. "That's a grand champ right there."

The video shows the rooster showing off his skills. They pass by a dog and some more roosters.

"We've got some more fighters over here making that real money," Calicoe says.

And a little puppy.

"He a grand champ ready whenever," he says.

The camera passes by more pit bulls and again some are just puppies.

"They champions in the making, man," he says. "Anything that got to do with gambling, put some money up, we do it."

Monday, Fox 2 spoke with Calicoe by phone. He says he wants everyone to know that he believes this whole thing has been blown out of proportion.

He says he is a battle rapper and this video is all about image. Rappers talk about all kinds of things that they never do. He says these animals don't belong to him, they belong to a friend of his who is an animal lover and that these animals are not used for fighting in any way. He says they are well cared for.Source

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