Jul 10, 2012

Kanye West Says MediaTakeOut Site Is A Piece Of F*cking Sh*T/ Adds His Music Is Perfect!

During one of two performances this past weekend at Atlantic City, New Jersey's Revel, Kanye West took a break from his show to put MediaTakeOut on blast. The notoriously outspoken rapper said that the site, which often reports on his personal life, is "fuckin' full of shit" and that they try to make everything negative. "If you have something to give the world, a lot of times, the press just tries to take everything negative. Just look at MediaTakeOut, they so fuckin’ full of shit. Show your motherfuckin’ face so I can smack the shit out of you!

Making up shit every day," he ranted. "I am flawed as a human being. I am flawed as a person. As a man, I am flawed. But my music is perfect! This is the best you gon’ get ladies and gentlemen in this lifetime, I’m sorry. You go back to Beethoven and shit, but as far as this lifetime though, this is all you got."

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