Charlamagne Tha God's visibility has gotten a big boost because of his new MTV2 show, Charlamagne and Friends. There are still some in the mainstream familiarizing themselves with the always opinionated Power 105.1 radio personality.
Buzzfeed sat down with CTG recently and got to know more about what makes him tick.
What's the first CD you bought?
Foxy Brown's Broken Silence. I bought it for a chick and it was definitely the first CD that I bought.
Who is your boy-crush?
Prince. I met him last year and it was crazy. he was walking down the hall at our radio station and he, like, floated towards us and he was levitating four or five inches off the ground. And he had this sparkle in his eye. Have you ever seen True Blood? You know how that glamour people? He glamoured everybody and I couldn't think of anything to say other than "I grew up a Jehovah's Witness, too." He said we had to talk about that, but then he just started floating away. I took a picture in my phone and you could see him levitating. But then 30 seconds later the picture just went black.
Pick one: Kittens or puppies?
Puppies. I remember one time I was young and high and a puppy licked my balls. I had on boxer briefs and he just started doing it ... so definitely puppies.
And finally: tell us a secret
I just told you a puppy licked my balls.
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