Aug 22, 2013

DMX Arrested In South Carolina, Screams At Cops "This Ain't No Normal Traffic Stop. 18 Cops, 5 Cars, Get The F*ck Outta Here" [Video]

DMX was arrested in South Carolina again. Police stopped a car he was riding in for making an illegal U-turn. Weed was discovered when the car was searched. After running a background check on X. it was discovered that he had a warrant out from a previous driving without a license case. 

As soon as he was arrested and placed in handcuffs, the rapper suspected something fishy about the vehicle being stopped in the first place and the number of cops who responded to the scene.

"This ain't no normal traffic stop. 18 cops, 5 cars, get the f*ck outta here man," X screamed, while a female friend filmed the entire incident. 
"She did a legal turn and they said, 'Oh you was whipping it.' It was a legal turn," he said.

During the commotion the rapper suffered an asthma attack. He was treated by paramedics at the scene and is reported to be fine now, according to TMZ.

Authorities said X will most likely be held in jail for 15 days, but could get out in 10 for good behavior. Watch video of the arrest below.

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