Jan 8, 2014

Adults Film Toddler Cursing, Talking About Sex & Gangs. Omaha Police Post Clip Online & Get Criticized.

The Omaha Police Association is being accused of race baiting after posting a video on it's website showing an African American toddler cursing, giving the middle finger and talking about gangs.

The clip was shot by some parents who don't seem to have any idea how to appropriately raise a child. At least three adults can be heard encouraging the toddler to misbehave by calling him a b*tch, talking to him about sex and asking him "what hood you from blood?"

The video was originally posted on Facebook by the child's uncle. The Omaha police were alerted to it by a citizen who was appalled by it.

In a post entitled "The Thug Cycle Continuing," the police explained that the video might make some people upset.

We here at OmahaPOA.com viewed the video and we knew that despite the fact that it is sickening, heartbreaking footage, we have an obligation to share it to continue to educate the law abiding public about the terrible cycle of violence and thuggery that some young innocent children find themselves helplessly trapped in.

Critics are attacking the Omaha police for posting the video on the net. Watch the video below and let us know who you think is wrong here. The police for posting the video or the adults who made it.

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