Jan 10, 2014

J.R. Smith Fined $50K For Untying Player's Shoes [VIDEO]

With a record of 12-22, to call the New York Knicks a struggle squad would be blatant disrespect to the bums Dennis Rodman dragged to North Korea.

Drastic times call for drastic measures and J.R. Smith figured he found a way to gain one-up on the competition.

During foul shot formations, he's been untying the player's shoelaces next to him in attempts to make them trip up.

That's correct. On live television where the entire world (and the league's front office) can see.

Now the jig is up for Smith's Shoelacegate. The NBA has fined the Knicks' swingman $50K for his antics, with a suspension likely to follow for repeat offenses.

Reports the NY Post:

Smith initially was let off with a warning after the league investigated him for untying the shoelace of the Mavericks' Shawn Marion during a free-throw attempt in Sunday's game in Dallas.

Then he was back at it Tuesday, trying the shoelace trick again — but the Pistons' Greg Monroe successfully avoided it.

The frustration has been felt all across the board for the team. Carmelo Anthony recently lashed out at a fan on Twitter, calling them a "glazed donut face."

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