Jan 16, 2014

Yeezianity: Anon Group Starts Kanye West Religion [PHOTOS]

Kanye West needs another stroke to his ego like he needs another vigorous lawsuit but a group of anonymous idol worshippers have decided to honor Lord Yeezus in the holiest of manners.

By rule of thumb, you only need one follower to start a new religion and the band of Kanye fanatics have went the extra mile by launching a website complete with dogmas, pacts and pillars to usher in Yeezianity.

There's definitely a bit of trolling going on. The photos on the site include a camera-pixel phone pic of a cat holding a sign which reads "I believe in Yeezus" and another man kneeling at mock alter.

Noisey managed to catch up with the false prophet who spearheaded the movement for a bit of clarity on all this. Here's a bit of their lengthy interview.

So, Yeezianity.
I created this thing about a month ago—and all I did was tweet it, and I don't have a lot of Twitter followers, so that didn't go anywhere. I was putting up other Craigslist ads and I just thought, "Well, let's see where this goes." I got some responses. I mean, you found it, so that's pretty awesome.

What have the responses been like?
The diversity has been substantial. There have been people who've sent me just straight up support—they must like the positive message about it. And then there are some people who've sent me a lot of Kanye hate mail, but that's cool. For example, on reddit, somebody posted and said, "Stupidity attracts itself." [Laughs] But I was like, hey, you could substitute that word for genius or anything else you want. Even a homeless dude sent me a reply, and asked if we could help him get on his feet. That's why I want to stay anonymous. I can speak to whomever I want with authority, and they won't know who I am. But on the whole, I mean, people who do and don't know who Kanye is alike probably think this is absurd.

So you're not approaching Kanye as a "god," per se, but you're instead approaching him as someone who inspires you.
Exactly. He's a god. You're a god. Why Yeezus is the figure is because Kanye is the one who believes that the hardest, so that's why he's the model for behavior.

Surprisingly enough, this isn't the first Kanye image debacle to happen in 2014. A Bitcoin competitor hopeful attempted to launch a form of cryptocurrency with the Chicago rapper's face plastered on it but bowed down to the greatness of his legal team before they could get their funny money circulating.

Speaking of bowing down, see all unholy pics of the Kanye's unauthorized religion below. If you wish to join the cult, visit their site here.

If you see someone going into convulsions at the next Yeezus Tour, you know that they're a member.

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