Feb 2, 2014

Los Angeles D.A. Decides Not To Prosecute Kanye West After $250K Settlement Reached With Assault Victim

Kanye's West's civil settlement with the 18-year old man he beat up in Beverly Hills, California served it's purpose.

TMZ reports that the Los Angeles District Attorney will not prosecute the rapper because they basically have no case to pursue. The victim refuses to cooperate and wasn't hurt during the altercation.

"No significant injuries were documented," the D.A. said. "Prosecution is accordingly declined due to victim unavailability."

As previously reported, the teen verbally abused West's fiancee Kim Kardashian at an office building on Monday (January 13).. He reportedly threatened to kill her and called her a "n*gger lover."

West rushed to the scene. Once he and Kim found the teen in a chiropractor's office, Kanye punched him at least 30 times, according to witnesses.

On January 28th the G.O.O.D. Music CEO reached a financial agreement of $250,000with the 18-year old hoping the case would go away, and it did.

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