May 7, 2014

V. Stiviano Being Investigated For Allegedly Trying To Extort Donald Sterling. Has Long Criminal History With Various Aliases

The woman at the center of the Donald Sterling racist audio controversy has a criminal history dating back to 2002.

31-year old V. Stiviano has a rap sheet that includes arrests for DUI, felony burglary, felony possession of a controlled substance and petty theft.

Sterling's "silly rabbit" has used the aliases Maria Valdez, Maria Vanessa Perez, Mariamonica Perez Gallegos, Vanessa Maria Perez and Monica Gallegos.

According to TMZ, Stiviano is now under criminal investigation for allegedly trying to extort money from Sterling in return for not leaking any more of the 100 plus hours of audiotape she has of the two of them talking.

Some of the audio has already been leaked to TMZ and Deadspin. Sterling can be heard on the tapes speaking in racist terms about African Americans. The recordings resulted in him being banned for life and fined $2.5 million by NBA Commissioner, Adam Silver.

The L.A. County D.A.'s Bureau of Investigation has already contacted Sterling's estranged wife, Shelly Sterling, about the situation. The legality of how the tapes were recorded is also being looked into.

In California it is illegal to record someone without their consent.

Take a look at Stiviano's rap sheet via TMZ below.

2002 -- Stiviano was arrested by LAPD for petty theft. The official documents -- obtained by TMZ -- show she was a 5'4" 128 lb Hispanic woman named Vanessa Maria Perez. She was convicted and placed on probation.

2004 -- Stiviano was arrested by Santa Monica PD for another petty theft and felony burglary. Her name was Vanessa Maria Perez (same as the first) but this time she's taller and thinner -- a 5'8" 115 lb Hispanic woman.

2010 -- Stiviano was arrested by LAPD for possession of a controlled substance -- a felony. This time she's Vanessa Maria Perez again, but she's black, weighing in at 5'7" and 125 lbs.

2012 -- Stiviano was busted by CHP for DUI. This time she was booked as Monica Gallegos, a 5'7" 110 lb black woman. We don't know the disposition.

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