Jan 18, 2012

T.I. Says Prison Sentence Cost Him Major Movie Roles

Since being released from prison, T.I.'s been on his grind in a major way. Aside from being featured on countless remixes, he's also released an exceptional mixtape F*ck Da City Up. Along with the successful music exhibitions, he's also struck gold with his VH1 reality series T.I. & Tiny's Family Hustle.

However, his last 11 month prison stay has seemingly cost Tip some huge opportunities on the big screen. It's no secret that Tip was rounding out a solid acting resume, with major motion pictures including ATL, American Gangster, and Takers all to his credit. In a recent interview with Sister 2 Sister Magazine, Tip spoke about some of the opportunities that were on the table, just before he was sent away, again.

"I was supposed to be in the film Tower Heist with Ben Stiller. The Eddie Murphy movie. I was supposed to be in that," Tip told Sister 2 Sister. "And I wasn't able, obviously, to be there. G.I. Joe II (G.I. Joe: Retaliation), they called me for that.World War Z with Brad Pitt. They called me for that. The Joel Silver movie (Bullet to the Head)–I would have been co-starring with Sylvester Stallone. They called me for that too."

Although Tip missed out on the aformention roles, more are surely on the way. Below you can see the ATLien in a role he's very familiar with, "Dad," in the latest episode of The Family Hustle.

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