Mar 4, 2014

Arnold Schwarzenegger To Begin Shooting New Terminator Film

Arnold Schwarzenegger's infamous "I'll be back" line from the first two installments of the Terminator franchise has taken on an even bigger significance, seeing that the 66-year-old film icon is reprising his role in the franchise after sitting the last one out to serve as a struggle politictian.

Filming for the upcoming Terminator: Genesis is scheduled to begin next month in New Orleans before making stops in Los Angeles and San Francisco and no one appears to be more excited than Arnold.

He tells his biggest fansite, TheArnoldFans that "We start filming in the middle or in the end of April and it will be a four or four-and-a-half month long shoot. We will be filming it in New Orleans with some of it in San Francisco and maybe a little of it in L.A. but most of it will be done in New Orleans."

The new movie--whose predecessors have grossed well over a billion dollars worldwide combined--will be a 3D reboot of the initial film opposed to a direct sequel as the timeline has always exhibited.

Nonetheless, Schwarznegger maintains that it will be well worth the reset as he continued, "I'm really looking forward to that because, as you know, the last time when they did the 'Terminator,' it was when I was (California) Governor and so I couldn't be in that movie, but now I'm back again and they are very excited about having me in the film. It's going to come out on July 4th weekend in 2015. The movie preparation is going well. The script is fantastic so I'm really looking forward to this film."

Terminator: Genesis will be released in theaters sometime in 2015.

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