Mar 6, 2014

Watch First Footage Of Andre 3000 As Jimi Hendrix [VIDEO]

The first footage of André 3000 portraying Jimi Hendrix in the forthcoming biopic All Is By My Side has been revealed. The film will have it's U.S. premiere at the upcoming South By Southwest festival.

Reports MTV News:

Three Stacks nails the legendary guitarist's speaking voice, as he begs model/muse Linda Keith (played by Imogen Poots) to join him at the Monterey Pop Festival, where he'd gain instant notoriety with U.S. audiences after setting his guitar ablaze.

That famous concert isn't shown in the film; instead, it focuses on the year that preceded it, following Hendrix's journey from New York City backing musician to celebrated London resident. "All Is By My Side" doesn't feature any actual Hendrix songs — his estate refused to grant producers the rights to his material — but rather will feature him performing covers of songs by the Beatles, Elvis Presley, Muddy Waters and Elmore James, all of which were in his repertoire.

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