Mar 5, 2014

Whitney Houston's Son-In-Law Got Blessed With The Proper Fade

Bobby Kristina's husband, Nick Gordon, isn't a family favorite. The late singer's nephew, Gary Michael Houston, made this abundantly clear by blessing Gordon with the proper fade at a Sweet 16.

Reports TMZ:

We're told Whitney's nephew, Gary Michael Houston, went nuclear on Bobbi Kristina's husband, Nick Gordon … allegedly SLAMMING him to the floor and pummeling his face -- accusing him of talking crap about the family.

Family sources tell us ... it all went down at a Sweet 16 party for Whitney's niece, Rayah. We're told it was a formal affair -- everyone in tuxes and long gowns -- but Nick showed up in a hoodie and knit cap and "lookin' like a thug."

Gary felt Gordon had insulted the family one too many times ... as soon as the party was over, he delivered the beat down. We're told it was a lopsided fight -- Nick didn't even get in a single punch.

Of course, the two took to Twitter to continue talking ish, which you can see on the following pages.

Yes, this is the definition of struggle.

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