Apr 10, 2014

Master P's Estranged Wife, Sonya Miller, Claims He's Abducted 3 Of Their Kids

The problems between Master P and his soon to be ex-wife Sonya Miller continue to mount. As  reported in March, Sonya filed for divorce from the business mogul and made claims that he had cut her off financially, forcing her and their four minor children to move in with her son 24-year old son Romeo. She said things had gotten so bad that she was forced to go on welfare.

Sonya is now throwing more dirt on P, real name Percy Miller. She has filed a court request asking for an emergency custody order because her estranged husband won't bring three of their kids back, according to TMZ.

She claims Master P first nabbed 13-year-old son Hercy after picking him up from school in February, then did the same thing with their 9-year-old son Mercy in March. Around the same time, Sonya claims their 17-year-old daughter Tytyana ran off to live with her dad and won't come back.

Their 14-year old daughter, Italy, is still living with her mom.

Because Sonya only recently filed for divorce a judge has not ruled on who gets custody of the children and how visitation will be arranged. So, Master P hasn't broken any laws.

Sonya wants a judge to grant her full custody now, until things are settled in divorce court

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